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Webinar - AI for Small Credit Unions:
A Case Study
CurrentWave AI Live Event
February 19, 2025
Explore our past and upcoming events to see where CurrentWave AI has been making an impact and connecting with industry leaders. If you're interested in having us speak or present at your next event, we'd love to hear from you—reach out to us today!
CurrentWave AI

Busy vs. Productive
Our CEO Pete Lunenfeld's TL;DR series: Busy vs. Productive

I Thought I Knew How Marketing Worked!
Our CEO Pete Lunenfeld's TL;DR series: I Thought I Knew How Marketing Worked!

CXplainAI for Credit Unions in 60 seconds
CXplain AI harnesses AI to give your team superpowers, providing higher efficiency, productivity, and member satisfaction.

Cognitive Kindness
Our CEO Pete Lunenfeld lays out the ground rules for being cognitively kind both at home and in the workplace.

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