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Product List

Unleash the Power of AI to Transform your Business CX Strategy

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Let your customers interact with you 24/7.  We create and maintain customized AI-driven expert interfaces so your customers can interact with your business easily.  Provide real-time customer support, automate sales lead qualification, new customer onboarding, provide real-time customer support, and more.  Ineffective chatbots are a thing of the past.  Revolutionize your Customer eXperience with an AI expert:

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Enhance your existing customer service and CX teams instantly.  Explain anything to your customers in the best way possible using AI. Unlock the value in your existing knowledge bases, articles, tickets, and internal documents.  Your customer facing teams will deliver customer support that is faster, higher quality, and more engaging.  Supercharge your CX teams with the power of AI:

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Your most valuable asset is your data.  Let your customers break free from the confines of traditional web and mobile user interfaces to interact with your applications.  Allow your customers to explore their data in your applications using natural language. Harness AI to deliver the best Customer eXperience and let your users talk to their data:


We sell
Customer Engagement

  • Faster Response Times

  • Higher Quality Responses

  • Happier Customers


Solutions for All Sizes

Small & Medium Business (SMB)


AI Automation for CX and Sales


Customer Service AI Tools


Lead Management and Qualification


Automated Customer Onboarding


Fully Hosted (nothing to install)


Included Support and Maintenance


Fast Turn Key Solutions


White Glove Implementation & Customization


AI Education for Executive Teams


Corporate AI Strategic Planning


AI Strategy for Established Dev Teams


Hybrid Application Design


Turnkey LLM Solutions


Custom Application Development


Over 30 Years of Enterprise Software Design and Architecture Experience

Making Waves

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Our team has decades of designing, developing, and delivering successful software products that have made our customers happy and our businesses profitable.  We have worked at startups, and we have led enterprise-scale engineering teams.  We have seen many technology trends come and go.  While AI and machine learning isn't new, we believe that the newest incarnation of generative AI will change our world, and we are passionate about bringing the value and power of AI to businesses of all sizes.


In today's digital era, every customer interaction matters.  At CurrentWave AI, we're not just a technology company; we're your partner in harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to elevate your customer experience.  With a blend of innovation and a deep understanding of your business needs, we create fully custom AI-driven solutions designed to empower your business and delight your customers.


AI technology is developing at incredible speed.  We navigate the complex technical waters to give you the competitive edge.  We merge the power of generative AI using large language models in concert with custom developed software to deliver solutions that are effective, powerful, safe, and secure.  We leverage the power of the cloud so that our solutions are modern, scalable, reliable, and fast.



Transform Your Customer Service with a Free 30-Minute Consultation:
Discover how AI automation can streamline your operations and boost customer satisfaction.
  • Discover Industry-Specific Solutions in Action:

Discuss tailored use cases that will revolutionize the way you provide customer support and solve your unique customer service challenges.

  • Explore our White-Glove Support:

We'll show you how our dedicated team provides customized implementation and ongoing hands-on support for the lifetime of our solution.

  • Review our Enterprise-Grade AI Security:

See firsthand how our robust security protocols protect your sensitive data and customer interactions.

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